Sitez Incorporated


Years Experience



Sitez was born out of an desire to provide quality work at a reasonable price for good people.  We look forward to working with you on your project or website.


While we have loads of experience, and are happy to help you with just about anything, we specialize in WordPress development and programming as well as working hard for you by monitoring and improving your site’s performance.

Site Monitoring

Using Analytics and page speed tools we will keep your site humming

Web Development

Years of programming expertise, most recently with WordPress

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing of all kinds, specializing in Affiliate marketing


Significant experience with eCommerce platforms lie WooCommerce and Shopify.


Experts in the setup of Google Analytics and use of Google Search Console.


Very knowledgeable about all facets of SEO including keyword choices and backlinks.


Ready to Start?

Get a Free Service!

Hi, I'm Ernie. I'd like to offer you one of our premium services for FREE. Okay you say, so what's the catch?

No catch. You see I've been doing this internet thing for 30 years.

Ernie St. Gelais - Sitez Incorporated Owner

I've been fortunate in my work life to build two multi-million dollar, online businesses.

I'm now semi-retired and doing my best to give back to online business people like you.

After you complete the form, you will receive an email confirming your FREE service. We'll then communicate to determine how to best make that happen for you and your site.