
Google Search Console Monitoring

From: $15.00 / month

Maximize the potential of Google Search Console with our comprehensive monitoring service. We assist in setup, continuously monitor activities, notify and resolve issues, and provide keyword insights to optimize your site’s performance.

Key Features:

  • Setup assistance
  • Activity monitoring
  • Issue notification and resolution
  • Keyword insights


  • Proactive issue management
  • Enhanced site performance
  • Better SEO insights
  • Peace of mind
  • Time savings

Ensure your site remains optimized and well-maintained. Contact us today for expert monitoring.

SKU: S-0004 Categories: ,

Google Search Console Monitoring Service

Unlock the full potential of Google Search Console with our comprehensive monitoring service. Often underutilized, Google Search Console offers valuable insights into your site's crawling, indexing, and keyword performance. Our service ensures you stay informed and proactive about your site's health and performance.

Key Features

1. Google Search Console Setup:

  • Assist in setting up your Google Search Console account if you don’t have one.

2. Activity Monitoring:

  • Continuously monitor the activity reported by Google Search Console.
  • Track Google's crawling and indexing activities on your site.

3. Issue Notification and Resolution:

  • Receive and review emails from Google Search Console indicating any issues.
  • Notify you of critical issues that require your attention.
  • Address and fix issues where possible, based on the access provided.

4. Keyword Insights:

  • Provide keyword information on what users are searching to access your site.
  • Analyze search queries to help optimize your content strategy.

Benefits of Our Service

Proactive Issue Management:

  • Stay ahead of potential problems by addressing issues as soon as they arise.

Enhanced Site Performance:

  • Improve your site's visibility and indexing by resolving critical issues.

Better SEO Insights:

  • Leverage keyword data to refine your SEO strategy and attract more targeted traffic.

Peace of Mind:

  • Know that your site is being monitored and maintained by experts.

Time Savings:

  • Focus on your core business while we handle the technical aspects of monitoring and issue resolution.

Our Google Search Console Monitoring service is designed to maximize the benefits of this powerful tool, ensuring your site runs smoothly and remains optimized for search engines. Contact us today to ensure your site is fully leveraged and well-maintained with our expert monitoring service.

Additional information

Billing Frequency

Month, Year


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Ernie St. Gelais - Sitez Incorporated Owner

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